• Proficient

Banking back office

Specialism: Financial management

What is a banking back office and what do they do?

The terms, 'front office', 'middle office' and 'back office' are often used to describe career opportunities available in investment banks and other financial institutions. Back office may also refer to process led functions focused on the downstream implementation of the trades and transactions of the front office.

Trade support and settlements are good examples of this type of back office role.

Professionals in this field are responsible for making sure that payments for trades are processed and that exceptions are identified and analysed.


While the accountancy profession offers diverse career options and paths, the core capabilities required to perform at the highest standards remain the same - irrespective of skill level or job role.

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Continuing professional development at ACCA

A commitment to life-long learning is a vital part of your ACCA membership; it unlocks the full potential of your career choices - and drives forward the profession.

We deliver a wide range of CPD resources tailored to different areas of expertise - and an ever-changing profession. Our, and your, commitment to quality CPD ensures you will have the most up-to-date skills to perform at the highest standard. 

So, get started (or restarted) and take a look at our curated list of the most relevant CPD resources to secure and succeed in this role.

units 7

Online course

Finance for non-finance managers: Why the numbers matter

Every organisation requires an effective finance function to take the lead on financial planning, financial control and financial reporting. The finance team produces meaningful information to help leaders and managers make informed decisions. This also requires decision makers to have a basic understanding of accounting and to be able to understand financial information and reports.

This course is designed to help the non-financial managers and professionals gain the necessary skills to successfully interpret, analyse and make decisions based on financial information and reports.

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units 12

Online course

Financial management 10 course pack

This ten course pack from BPP is designed to provide you with essential guidance and knowledge on financial management. These courses will develop the skills needed to carry out your day-to-day job.

By completing this pack, you will gain a better understanding of: 

  • how to plan your organisation's finances
  • budgeting
  • expenses
  • cash and credit
  • working capital
  • supply chain management.  
units 4

Online course

Cash management

Effective cash management is about having the right money in the right place at the right time - minimising the time spent waiting for money to arrive, minimising the interest we pay, and maximising the value of our money. That sounds easier said than done, but there are a range of techniques that can help your organisation achieve this.

This course will guide you on the mechanisms and techniques available to enhance cash management in your organisation.

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Find more CPD resources on ACCA Learning