
What does insight mean?

Insight relates to how you think and operate at an individual level in your organisational context: accurately analysing information, generating new ideas, making clear decisions, organising work, focusing on key priorities and achieving timely results.

Continuing professional development at ACCA

A commitment to life-long learning is a vital part of your ACCA membership; it unlocks the full potential of your career choices - and drives forward the profession.

We deliver a wide range of CPD resources tailored to different areas of expertise - and an-ever changing profession. Our, and your, commitment to quality CPD ensures you will have the most up-to-date skills to perform at the highest standard. 

So, get started (or restarted) and take a look at our curated list of the most relevant CPD resources to help you develop this capability.

units 21

Online course

Corporate strategy track

Corporate Strategy is an effective means to allocate a company’s resources, establish business expectations, improve a company’s competitive position, and increase shareholder value to something beyond the sum of its physical assets.

This course will enable you to: 

  • understand strategic management
  • understand applying for business finance
  • understand building an effective finance team
  • understand practical investment appraisal and short-term financial management
  • understand the relevance of ethics in business and anti-money laundering
  • understand data protection and cyber threats and security
  • understand IAS 21 – the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates.
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units 11

Online course

Performance management and financial modelling 10 course pack

This ten course pack from BPP will provide you with the skills needed to ensure you can comprehensively inform your organisation when decision making for the future, based on facts and data. Learn about metrics, using data to inform strategy and decision-making, analysing your success, and how to create high-quality financial models so you can confidently communicate this information back to your business. 

By completing this pack, you will gain a better understanding of: 

  • how data can inform an organisation’s strategy
  • how to use data to turn the strategic vision into a reality, and the role you can play
  • the balanced scorecard
  • how to use excel for financial modelling and the rules to follow for success.
units 21

Online course

Insight and innovation pick 'n' mix bundle

How confident are you in formulating strategy in dynamic and fast-changing environments? Learning to think critically and innovatively will enable you to make effective strategic decisions and innovate to gain competitive advantage.

Create your pick 'n' mix bundle from a range of creativity, strategy and innovation courses including:

  • creativity for finance professionals
  • corporate resilience and decision making
  • key performance indicators
  • KPIs for SMEs
  • KPI progress meetings
  • making strategy work in the real world
  • operational cost savings and efficiencies
  • outsourcing
  • thinking strategically
  • writing a business plan.
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Find more CPD resources on ACCA Learning