• Proficient

ESG reporting associate

Specialism: Audit and assurance

What is an ESG reporting associate and what do they do?

This is a specialised branch of external audit, whereby assurance is provided over the sustainability/ESG (environmental, social and governance) reports produced by the organisation. This requires knowledge of the key (non-financial) reporting frameworks such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), GHG (Greenhouse Gas Protocol) as well as experience of undertaking audits in line with ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3410 (International Standards on Assurance Engagements).

The associate will work in a team, to provide assurance on the information provided in the ESG report of the organisation's financial statements. Their work will be monitored and reviewed by the manager, but they will work as part of the wider team.


While the accountancy profession offers diverse career options and paths, the core capabilities required to perform at the highest standards remain the same - irrespective of skill level or job role.

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Continuing professional development at ACCA

A commitment to life-long learning is a vital part of your ACCA membership; it unlocks the full potential of your career choices - and drives forward the profession.

We deliver a wide range of CPD resources tailored to different areas of expertise - and an ever-changing profession. Our, and your, commitment to quality CPD ensures you will have the most up-to-date skills to perform at the highest standard. 

So, get started (or restarted) and take a look at our curated list of the most relevant CPD resources to secure and succeed in this role.

units 4.5

Online course

ESG awareness pack

Environment, social and governance (ESG) is a hot topic on the agenda of many management board teams. Businesses are now understanding that their environmental and social impact in the community – as well as their corporate governance structure and transparency – will become crucial elements for their long term sustainability and competitiveness. 

But where do you start in assessing where you stand in terms of ESG compliance, norms, and best practices? This pack provides an introduction to understanding ESG compliance, reporting and integrating it into your business.

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Online course

Certificate in sustainability for finance (Cert SF)

Sustainability is one of the burning issues of our times and is an issue that is relevant to us all, regardless of where we live or how we earn our living. As organisations are rebuilding from the pandemic, there is a growing desire for a transformative and sustainable global recovery, which is providing a fresh focus for organisations to drive forward their position in relation to sustainability.​

Accountants and finance professionals have an important part to play in helping organisations adapt to the sustainable practices required to prevent resource depletion, facilitate long term success, and build a more sustainable future. The Certificate in Sustainability for Finance will allow finance teams to gain the skills and knowledge to enable them to confidently lead on sustainability issues in their organisations.

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units 10

Online course

Climate finance

Created in collaboration with CFA Institute, this course provides an introduction to climate change and its related economic and environmental impacts, with a particular emphasis on the role of finance professionals in creating and implementing solutions to the global issues in this space. It is a practical and applied digital course designed to support business, finance, and accounting professionals as well as any individual seeking practical guidance around climate change and climate-related finance matters.

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Find more CPD resources on ACCA Learning