• Leader

Digital transformation lead

What is a digital transformation lead and what do they do?

This is a cross-cutting senior role that oversees a team responsible for driving the adoption of emerging technologies. The role is not technology specific and cuts across a range of areas such as the development of tools for delivering audits, integration into cloud platforms, adoption of data analytics, and visualisation and robotics tools, as well as incorporating technologies such as artificial intelligence (machine learning and natural language processing) and blockchain as they scale up.

Digital transformation leads need to be continuously scanning an evolving landscape: implementing a framework for opportunity identification to prioritise areas for transformation; managing staff for continuous scanning of latest technology developments and assessing relevance to the firm’s needs.

As this is a leadership role, they will have responsibility for winning sponsorship for projects, involving presenting to strategic investment forums, guiding proposals for projects with associated prioritisation for funding, undertaking detailed business case and ROI analysis, and agreeing critical success factors and parameters for funding. The digital transformation lead would act as a bridge between IT and finance, effectively translating between the needs of accountants and the language of product functionality and design choice. They will embrace change, adopting a practical problem-solving approach that can find a pathway from the current to target state.


While the accountancy profession offers diverse career options and paths, the core capabilities required to perform at the highest standards remain the same - irrespective of skill level or job role.

Collaboration Digital Drive Ethics Expertise Insight Sustainability
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Continuing professional development at ACCA

A commitment to life-long learning is a vital part of your ACCA membership; it unlocks the full potential of your career choices - and drives forward the profession.

We deliver a wide range of CPD resources tailored to different areas of expertise - and an ever-changing profession. Our, and your, commitment to quality CPD ensures you will have the most up-to-date skills to perform at the highest standard. 

So, get started (or restarted) and take a look at our curated list of the most relevant CPD resources to secure and succeed in this role.

units 4

Online course

Digital transformation strategy

Digital transformation is a huge opportunity, but managing it effectively requires vision, leadership and common sense. There are opportunities to increase efficiency, reduce costs, enhance quality and deliver greater customer satisfaction, but how do you decide where to start?

This course will take you through the process of developing a digital transformation strategy, helping you to understand the opportunities available to your organisation, prioritise and choose the right ones, understand the process of innovation and anticipate the likely barriers and risks. It will also help you to put in place the foundations of effective project management needed to manage implementation.

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units 5

Online course

Managing change 5 course pack

This five course pack from BPP will help you develop the skills needed to effectively manage the change process, for yourself and your organisation. Change is constant in a business; it is an essential part of evolving to ensure you can continue to progress no matter what the circumstances are. This pack will help you embrace change and see it as an opportunity, rather than something to be feared and avoided. 

Online course

Certificate in GBS

When you choose the industry-leading Certificate in Global Business Services, you’ll give your finance staff the skills and confidence to drive your business forward. You’ll enhance your global reputation for excellence and stay fit to face the future.

Find more CPD resources on ACCA Learning