• Leader

Chief sustainability officer


What is a chief sustainability officer and what do they do?

Chief Sustainability officers have primary responsibility for addressing a company’s sustainability efforts. They will contribute to the development of a company’s sustainability strategy, helping to balance sustainability requirements with commercial realities and will take the lead in developing and executing sustainability initiatives.

They help to foster a culture where sustainability is integrated throughout the company, ensure that sustainability efforts contribute positively to business performance and may be asked to formally report on sustainability performance to stakeholders. The demands for financial and non-financial information on sustainability are increasing as are the complexities of the regulatory and compliance requirements and these professionals will have to respond appropriately.


While the accountancy profession offers diverse career options and paths, the core capabilities required to perform at the highest standards remain the same - irrespective of skill level or job role.

Collaboration Digital Drive Ethics Expertise Insight Sustainability
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Continuing professional development at ACCA

A commitment to life-long learning is a vital part of your ACCA membership; it unlocks the full potential of your career choices - and drives forward the profession.

We deliver a wide range of CPD resources tailored to different areas of expertise - and an ever-changing profession. Our, and your, commitment to quality CPD ensures you will have the most up-to-date skills to perform at the highest standard. 

So, get started (or restarted) and take a look at our curated list of the most relevant CPD resources to secure and succeed in this role.

units 2

Online course

ESG for professionals pack

Environment, social and governance (ESG) is a hot topic on the agenda of many management board teams. Businesses are now understanding that their environmental and social impact in the community – as well as their corporate governance structure and transparency – will become crucial elements for their long term sustainability and competitiveness. 

units 10

Online course

Climate Finance

Created in collaboration with CFA Institute, this course provides an introduction to climate change and its related economic and environmental impacts, with a particular emphasis on the role of finance professionals in creating and implementing solutions to the global issues in this space. It is a practical and applied digital course designed to support business, finance, and accounting professionals as well as any individual seeking practical guidance around climate change and climate-related finance matters.

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Find more CPD resources on ACCA Learning

How does the ACCA Qualification prepare you for this job role?

From a combination of exams, ethics and experience, the ACCA Qualification will boost your employability and performance at every stage of your career journey.

Here we have listed some elements of the ACCA Qualification that will help you perform at the highest standard in this job role.